Mediavolution Visual Strategies LLC

Mediavolution TV Blog Archives

Video: Happy Holidays from Mediavolution 2016

Happy Holidays from Mediavolution! As we approach the end of a great 2016, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for all of our clients, colleagues, vendors, contractors, family and friends for their support! We hope that you enjoy the video that we put together featuring a few highlights from our year in production. Initializing.. […]

Do you shoot video on your phone? Watch this video for some tips!

Are you thinking of shooting video with your phone? Initializing.. With the power to shoot HD video in almost everyone’s pocket these days, it is helpful to know some fundamentals of video production in order to maximize the effectiveness of your videos. In this digital age of ubiquitous, democratized content, you need to stand above […]

Video: Debunking Live Streaming Myths

Live streaming has come a long way over the past handful of years. In 90 seconds I will debunk some of the most frequently expressed concerns when discussing potential benefits of capturing and live streaming their events with clients. Initializing.. Will Live Streaming Reduce Onsite Attendance? Will Customers/Members/Remote Viewers Watch Our Multi-Day Event? Are They […]

Video: Revolutionize Your Credibility! The Proven Impact of Testimonials

The Power of Testimonials

Online testimonials and reviews have become such an important part of a company’s credibility! Testimonials provide non-biased re-affirmation of your products and services and are incredibly powerful to your marketing and reputation. Testimonials come in many forms and are not all created equal. With the unprecedented power and sincerity that is conveyed in video communications […]

Video: Content is King! Presenting Tips for Effective Content at Mvix’s Digital Signage Workshop

Last week, Mvix, a leader in turnkey digital signage solutions, hosted a digital signage workshop for System Integrators within the DC area located at their Sterling, VA headquarters. The turnout was fantastic! There was great networking, tips on profitable digital signage projects and a real-time demo of Mvix’s enterprise-grade digital signage platform. Mike Kilian, Director of […]

Video: Happy Holidays from Mediavolution

As we approach the end of a great year, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for all of our clients, colleagues, vendors, contractors, family and friends for their support! We hope that you enjoy the video that we put together featuring a few highlights from our year in production. Initializing..

Video: Robert E Simon Jr – Founder of Reston VA – Candlelight Vigil

Watch the Video Mediavolution Produced with Kat Toussaint of Around Reston Publications Initializing.. On September 25, 2015, Around Reston hosted a Candlelight Vigil in honor of Robert E. Simon, founder of Reston. Bob Simon quietly passed away in his home on Lake Anne, September 21 at 101 years old. Over 500 people came to this […]

Mediavolution Visual Strategies LLC